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Contemplative Leadership

Family Businesses

Family business have several advantages over non-family businesses, including shared values and a next generation leadership developed around a dining room table. Yet, most family business fail by the 3rd generation. Rick has, for 20 years, been helping family business develop the leadership of multi-generational family enterprises. He is now also helping current heads of family businesses with their transition to an elder role.


Do you find yourself incumbered by common, every-day activities that stand in the way of the inner peace you desire?


As an alternative would you like to be more connected with your spirit self, grow in self-awareness, access your inner calm? Would you like to have a well-being that allows you to release the self-limiting tensions of the egoic self – that may stand in the way of your success?


Do you sense there is more to life than meets the eye, that there is a universal consciousness – and would like to develop a deeper relationship with that consciousness?


I am a personal and corporate coach, and a spiritual companion; and I blog about the contemplative process of knowing that draws upon the internal, innate wisdom we each have ... bringing action to our leadership, creative process, and spiritual relationships.


I believe we all have some fleeting glimpses of the goodness at the heart of the universe, a sense of individual and collective meaning, and the ultimate graciousness of life.  I would love to engage in dialogue and invite you to add your thoughts, questions and feedback to the comment section that you can find at the end of each post.  


I look forward to connecting!




Rick Raymond




My name is Rick Raymond. I’m a certified spiritual, personal and family business coach, mentor to entrepreneurs, seeker of spiritual wisdom, contemplative photographer, advocate for elderhood, husband and father.
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